Monday, October 17, 2011

Reflexion final

There's nothing more to say.

I've already said a lot. I heave learned much from this.

I know. We had fun, we laughed and we learned. I'll never forget that.

I know it's hard, but we must find our separate paths now.

Our story began when the semester started. I never knew you but you seemed interesting. I am amazed on how much you have become a part of me.

There are times that I have neglected you. I feel ashamed. There's no excuse for my behavior. I am sorry.

After this, I do not know how to live my life without ever thinking of the things you taught me.

I could not not integrate them to my teaching.

I don't want to leave just yet. But I must.

I will always remember.

I'll never forget.

Good bye.

Educ 190.


A podcast. Bow.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mga Luha ni Jimboy

Word Processing Shenanigan Hullabaloo

Reactionary Response Upon the Visual Stimulation that is a Documentary

Ros, Marc Louie D.
Reaction Paper

The documentary on the foundation and the rise of open software and the free software movement evoked a lot of emotions from me. It is a wonderfully themed piece of a documentary with insights from both sides of the coins namely the open source and the free software movement. I agree with most of the points made by Richard Stallman, the founder of the free software movement, that free software does not mean you don't pay for it, free software allows the user freedom to do the things without the restrictions imposed by the creators of the program. This freedom entails a large amount of responsibility. Would the software benefit mankind? Would the user use these kinds of programs/softwares use such tools to malign the people around him or her? These questions emerge from the thought of such freedom.
I was also amazed by the leaps and bounds made by the open source communities. How they have made the concept of being open source and used it to make amazing products that benefits a lot of people.
There is always a way to improve the lives of people and it should not always cost anything.

Blinding Faith

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Second Test Exhibition Emphasizing the Lack of Content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed bibendum, est sed scelerisque commodo, purus eros pulvinar tellus, quis luctus libero odio ut tortor. Praesent commodo neque eu quam hendrerit eget adipiscing mauris egestas. Aliquam nec magna lacus, non bibendum nulla. Aenean sit amet vestibulum mi. Praesent nulla risus, suscipit in consequat vitae, scelerisque at eros. Maecenas sit amet velit sapien. Vivamus ac neque eget dolor interdum accumsan in vitae lacus. Aliquam eros risus, viverra vel ultricies non, tempor nec felis. Proin a tortor vel dolor consectetur posuere. Donec luctus, urna at condimentum gravida, purus tellus dignissim diam, nec elementum arcu quam nec sapien.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas mollis sollicitudin nulla, non suscipit lorem blandit eget. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque dapibus, leo suscipit tempor cursus, orci velit viverra mi, quis blandit urna velit quis tortor. Curabitur blandit vehicula metus pulvinar feugiat. In sed massa et leo bibendum fringilla quis at erat. Etiam vel augue vitae diam scelerisque congue. Proin in lacinia lorem. Curabitur nulla ante, gravida vel convallis id, bibendum sed ipsum. Curabitur et pulvinar enim. Aenean fermentum varius leo in luctus. Praesent posuere lobortis lorem, vulputate tempus lorem pretium quis. Proin eu nisl a ante ullamcorper placerat id ac ligula.
Vestibulum placerat nunc at magna tincidunt tempus. Phasellus odio libero, porta eget egestas ut, convallis eget turpis. Nunc nunc nunc, dapibus nec blandit non, eleifend sit amet nisi. Maecenas orci mi, euismod nec pulvinar non, elementum a elit. Nulla facilisi. In non viverra nisi. Praesent at diam at est iaculis egestas. Praesent risus tortor, tristique et sodales et, hendrerit a mi. Integer nec risus mi, mollis laoreet odio. Donec placerat dignissim tellus, id feugiat quam sollicitudin vitae. Phasellus vel lectus risus. Nullam nec ante dui, id molestie odio. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent ornare varius lectus, eget suscipit lacus egestas varius. Duis luctus dui eget quam cursus quis sollicitudin lacus placerat.
Nulla elementum congue massa eu adipiscing. Donec id tellus sapien, in consectetur elit. Aliquam rutrum purus sit amet velit pretium eleifend. Donec interdum ullamcorper sapien. Donec ac lorem elit, scelerisque consectetur nibh. Sed nisl nisi, dapibus tincidunt pellentesque eu, suscipit vitae dui. Ut volutpat iaculis rhoncus. Nulla volutpat massa et nibh ornare non ultricies velit tristique. Donec placerat lorem vitae lacus convallis rhoncus. In ut mauris enim, et bibendum arcu. Sed bibendum viverra tincidunt. Fusce bibendum ligula et lectus semper sodales accumsan ipsum pellentesque. In tellus purus, vulputate et vestibulum ut, rhoncus in quam. Sed sagittis lacus nec turpis mollis auctor. Quisque sollicitudin ornare nisl, ac dictum enim pellentesque ut.

Hello Oblate-Spheroidal Floating Rock!

This is to mark the first posting and commemorate the start of the exhibit of anomalous products.